Friday, February 10, 2017


"Treatment without prevention is unsustainable"
-Bill Gates

 Preventive maintenance is regularly performed on a piece of equipment to lessen the likelihood of it failing. Preventative maintenance is performed while the equipment is still working, so that it does not break down unexpectedly. 

The main goal is to prevent the failure of equipment before it actually occurs. Preventive maintenance activities include equipment checks, partial or complete overhauls at specified periods. In addition, workers can record equipment deterioration so they know to replace or repair worn parts before they cause system failure. 

Long-term benefits of preventive maintenance include:
• Improved system reliability.• Decreased cost of replacement.• Decreased system downtime.• Better spares inventory management.


Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.” ~William A. Foster
Quality Assurance is the planned or systematic actions necessary to proved enough confidence that a product or service will datisfy the given requirements for quality.

Good QA system does these four things:
  • establishes standard operating procedures (SOPs) for each step of the laboratory testing process, ranging from specimen handling to instrument performance validation; 
  • defines administrative requirements, such as mandatory recordkeeping, data evaluation, and internal audits to monitor adherence to SOPs;
  • specifies corrective actions, documentation, and the persons responsible for carrying out corrective actions when problems are identified; and
  • sustains high-quality employee performance.


Have you ever felt the messages you convey are not communicated properly or have you ever felt guilty of not conveying the message as it wants to be conveyed

Senders and receivers are of course vital in communication. In face-to-face communication the roles of the sender and receiver are not distinct as both parties communicate with each other, even if in very subtle ways such as through eye-contact (or lack of) and general body language.

Here are the ways on how to improve communication process:
Be a Good Listener it is the vital part of communication skills you it involves total focus on what the other person is attempting to communicate.Empathy the ability of the sender understand and share the message. Sending message through different routes it is highly effective way to gain attention. Repetition allow the receiver to properly interpret the message.


" A Goal without a plan is just a wish"
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Planning is the process of assessing an organization's goals and creating a realistic, detailed plan of action for meeting those goals. It is the foundation of management process and said tpo be the thinking and analyzing portion.

Therefore, planning brings order and rationality into the organization. Here are some of its benefits:

  • Planning helps in reducing uncertainties of future as it involves anticipation of future events, Although future cannot be predicted with cent percent accuracy but planning helps management to anticipate future and prepare for risks by necessary provisions to meet unexpected turn of events.
  • Planning creates an atmosphere of order and discipline in organization.Employees know in advance what is expected of them and therefore conformity can be achieved easily.This encourages employees to show their best and also earn reward for the same.It also creates a healthy attitude towards work environment which helps in boosting employees moral and efficiency.
  • Effective planning secures economy since it leads to orderly allocation ofresources to various operations.
  • Planning is basically a decision making function which involves creative thinking and imagination that ultimately leads to innovation of methods and operations for growth.


What exactly does a manager? What are the uniquely essential roles of a manager?

The manager's role and job description are at a pay grade level of the organization that integrates functions and departments for implementation success.

All managers have a leadership role. The manager, as in charge of the organization or department, coordinates the work of others and leads his subordinates. He should of motivate, communicate and encourage the team spirit and the like. Further, he has to coordinate the activities of all his subordinates, which involves the activity of liaison.

Manager disseminates the information, he collects from different sources and through various means. He passes some of the privileged information directly to his subordinates. 

They also play a role in decision making as a entrepreneuts, negociators and disturbance handlers.


"Surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority, and don't interfere as long as the policy you've decided upon is being carried out."— Ronald Reagan. 

By creating and maintaining activities applying your knowledge and expertise you can accomplished your pre-determine goals. 

Organizing is the function of management that involves developing an organizational structure and allocating human resources to ensure the accomplishment of objectives. We can say it is the process of grouping activities and identifying the responsibilities and achieving coordination among them.  

It is a function in which the synchronization and combination of human, physical and financial resources takes place.